Frequently Asked Questions


Sun Damage and Pigmentation Treatments

+ What should I expect with a Sun Damage or Pigmentation treatment?

You'll love it! Here's why...Age spots? Who wants something called an “Age Spot”?

What we hear repeatedly, “I love seeing my skin colour looking so much more even”! or “My hands look at least 10 years younger!”

+ How long does the pigmentation treatment take (how many treatments does it take)?

Treatments are generally 6 weeks apart.

Most people need 2 – 3 treatments for any one area. You will notice a reduction each visit.

+ What type of reaction should I expect from the pigmentation treatment?

Usual Reaction: The skin is darker and more apparent than prior. It begins to flake approx 1 -3 weeks post treatment. Area feels dry and scab like.

Adverse Reaction: Hyper-pigmentation can occur here as well. On hands or décolleté area, there is a chance of blistering as well.

+ What care do you recommend after my pigmentation treatment?

Post treatment includes using Polysporin twice daily for a minimum of 3 days, NO SUN EXPOSURE (use a 60 SPF sunblock if you are going to be in the sun – even for a short while) and no picking/flaking of the dead skin (allow it to shed on its own).